The Long and Short of Physics

Physics is a very peculiar subject. When it changes, it does so radically in concept. However, the difference in results is barely perceptible.

Quantum mechanics is close to a hundred years old now. However, the classical theories of point and continuum mechanics are fine for most applications. How can the conceptual structure of a theory be so different and the results so similar?

For instance, under quantum theory we are supposed to believe in wave-particle duality. Bohr introduced the idea of complementarity to support his assertion that things are just too weird down there to understand. However, I wonder if this was just a ruse.

In 1926 there were two contending pathways forward: the continuum wave-mechanics of Schrödinger; and the discrete matrix mechanics and transition theory of Heisenberg. Of course, Dirac was able to demonstrate how they might be viewed as equivalent.

The philosophy of wave-particle duality has potentially obscured an important reality. While the two theories may be mathematically equivalent, due to the Dirac transformation theory, they are not physically equivalent as pictures. They suggest different ideas.

The wave-mechanics of Schrödinger leads the mind in different directions than does the matrix mechanics of Heisenberg. What we think of as natural in one picture can seem unnatural in the other picture.

For example, particle physics conceives of all particles as point-like and subject to creation and destruction via quantum transitions.

That picture is rather unnatural in the Schrödinger scheme of things. The wave equation has no inherent jumpiness to it at all. It is completely deterministic. Moreover, when one thinks this way the usual matrix elements for atomic transitions become rather obvious derivates of classical charge densities. It is a just a small variation on the classical theories of the dielectric due to H.A. Lorentz.

In the Heisenberg scheme, the transition element is just plucked from thin air. It has no obvious connection to the previous theory of classical dielectrics. Indeed, students are mercilessly beaten if they should dare to even suggest such a thought!

The lesson for me in all this can be stated rather briefly.

Suppose Schrödinger and de Broglie were right and we should treat matter waves as real stuff and not probability amplitudes?

Where would that take us? What would become of wave-particle duality? What is logical?

One thing seems very clear to me… There would be no particles.

In this picture, everything is a wave, albeit one which can be dynamically localized. The electron, as a wave, has an extent, and this is determined by the prevailing interactions. These can naturally be of two kinds:

1) mutual interactions

2) self-interactions

In the detailed development of quantum chemistry we can say a lot, in detail, about the first class of interactions. They are entangling, and so ensure that the waves in question must exist in configuration space. In short, entanglement is the normal state of affairs.

However, about the second kind of interaction we do not actually know very much. What we do know is that if you break wave-particle duality in favor of particles then you need to introduce a vacuum, along with particle creation and destruction. This is the basis for Quantum Field Theory and the reason why most particle physicists habitually refer to a wave-function of a single coordinate as a classical field.

Within this way of thinking, it is necessary to turn this classical field into an operator and then speak the language of particles.

Of course, with that goes another problem. One needs to figure out how to obtain finite answers for the electron self-energy and the related vacuum polarization effects. One has also bought into an infinite zero-point energy and a host of other technical difficulties.

On the other had, if we break wave-particle duality in favor of waves things look different. In that case, it is easy to get a finite self-energy term and there is no vacuum, nor any pesky zero-point energy. However, there are still meaningful problems. The main one is to get a stable bound structure for the electron since the static Coulomb field is repulsive. This would seem to involve the need to introduce an auxiliary field.

The purpose of this all too brief survey is to highlight one simple fact. Waves and particles are most definitely not equivalent as ideas for theory construction. When you attempt to build a theory based upon waves in configuration space then many things look different:

1) particles are no longer point-like and must therefore be dynamic entities

2) quantum fields are simply entangled wave-functions in configuration space

3) the reconciliation of mutual-interactions with self-interactions is incompletely understood

It is the last item which presents the major difficulty. Quantum Field Theory does not go over into this new regime in unmodified form. However, there is a new freedom gained to treat certain questions differently. For instance, pair processes and indeed all higher energy resonances, as seen in particle accelerator experiments, would need to be differently interpreted as resonant wave phenomena.

If I had to make a bet for the next hundred years in physics I would take these positions:

Waves: Long
Particles: Short

de Sitter Gravity: Long
String Theory: Short

Schrödinger: Long
Heisenberg: Short

Non-Linear Field Theories: Long
Linear Field Theories: Short

Einstein on Determinism: Long
Bohr on In-determinism: Short

It seems to me that these are all in fact the exact same bet.

When you change a theory, you need to make it self-consistent as well as empirically accurate. Strings go away because the reason for them is gone: the particle is really a wavy quasi-particle. The other bets relate to the physical consistency of real matter waves.

Of course, these are all quoted at very long odds right now.

However, they are my personal bets.

In a world obsessed with the very latest: everything old is new again.

Who’s Afraid of Bourbaki?

nosferatulargeNicolas Bourbaki: A Symphony of Horror

Nicolas Bourbaki is the Evil Genius Who Never Was that Ate the Soul of Mathematics.

Worse, he sucked the blood clean out of the entire subject leaving only a Dessicated Husk to Haunt the Musty Corridors of Academe.

A huge array of contemporary issues in Science Education and the Motivation of Youth to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, STEM, subjects can be traced to the influence of this one fictitious person.

How so, you may well ask? How could a fictitious character, in the Mathematical Sciences of all places, lay waste to Society? Well, perhaps I exaggerate some concerning Society at Large, but certainly Bourbaki has damaged the Society of Mathematicians.

This happened over many years starting in 1935 with a founding group of exemplary French Mathematicians. They formed a group and published anonymously under the pseudonym: Nicolas Bourbaki.

The official title for this group is:

Association des collaborateurs de Nicolas Bourbaki

The ambitious purpose was to place all of mathematics on a rigorous foundation.

In the way of these things, the purpose for which the group was founded was preceded by the demonstration of its futility.

While the Bourbaki movement was founded in 1935, the Austrian genius Kurt Gödel had just proved, in 1931, that the pursuit of rigor in Mathematics was ultimately to prove a Chimera. There are true statements, propositions in Math-speak, which are simply undecidable within the axiomatic system.

There is an element to mathematical invention which lays beyond logic.

One can pursue rigorous arguments to support the Towering Edifice of Mathematics but the result is a Tower of Babel. The problem is that there will remain statements within any axiomatic system which are undecidable within it. Such self-referential propositions point outside any axiomatic system and declare it to be logically incomplete.

In the vernacular, logic ain’t everything it is cracked up to be.

I should hasten to add… this does not make Mathematics less useful. In truth, it makes mathematics more interesting since it highlights that which exists beyond logic.

When a real Mathematician creates new Mathematics there is an operation in play which exists beyond mere deductive logic. There is a genuine creative force. The identification of axiomatic systems, especially new axiomatic systems, is a creative exercise Ex Nihilo. You simply cannot derive axioms from axioms.

Unfortunately, the Bourbaki movement took root in Mathematics Departments and spread like wildfire. Coming fast on the heels of the Great Insight of Gödel came a mighty social movement to Make Mathematics Rigorous. It became a veritable Crusade.

The leaders involved comprised a Who’s Who of the French Elite:

Henri Cartan
Claude Chevalley
Andre Weil

Undoubtedly they are counted among the first rank of 20th Century mathematicians.

However, in light of Gödel, the movement was destined to fail from the get go.

Bourbaki produced a huge array of formal material on foundational issues in mathematics. However, it also led to a delusion among mathematicians, and later physicists, that true and correct thought was a rigorous: Definition, Theorem, Proof and Lemma style of mathematical discourse.

The idea was that Mathematics must be Kept Pure of Intuition.

Rigor is Bliss.

Of course, the problem is that Mathematics soon Disappears Up It’s Own Functor and becomes: Arid, Dry, Boring and Irrelevant.

When the express purpose is to eliminate intuition it is no surprise that there a few women in sight. Educators are surprised that few young kids want to study mathematics.

Golly Gee, I wonder why?

This brings me to the reason why Bourbaki was anonymous.

It was a direct reaction to the towering presence of the departed genius Henri Poincaré. This man may rightfully be thought of as: The Last Mathematician with a Personality.

Unlike the dry and dull mathematics of today, Poincaré rightfully stressed the development of mathematical intuition. He believed, as I do also, that the ultimate source of mathematical inspiration comes from the human spirit.

Intuition drives mathematical invention.

Just as Poincaré opined, in his reflective work Science and Hypothesis, I maintain that there is an element of invention in mathematical creativity.

Man does not derive Mathematics, but does something far greater, man invents it.

He or she does so in the manner of all invention. Through observation, introspection, experimentation and inspiration. There is not some algorithm at work that simply enumerates dry propositions from some ultimate source of truth.

Evidently, if you wish to Kill a Great Spirit, the spirit exemplified by Poincaré, then you must do so in a group and anonymously. Thus was the Great Hatchet Team of Nicolas Bourbaki born. They hacked away at the Spirit of Mathematics until it was dead.

Now there is almost nothing left of the great motivating creative force in mathematics.

It is dry, dull and actively shunned by students. It is considered abstract, tedious and impenetrable. All of the interesting mathematics happens outside of Mathematics.

It surfaces in the Computer Science approach to classical dynamics.

It pops up in the Isogeometric Analysis of NURBS-adapted Finite-Element Analysis.

It lurks in the role of Generating Functions in the area of Adiabatic Quantum Computing.

Decoding the above, I will explain the connections:

How do we understand and represent physical law in a world of software algorithms?

How do we pass between the representation and design of artifacts alongside modeling their behavior?

Where do solutions to hard problems come from and is it the programmer who solves the problem or the computer?

There is a huge amount of work to be done in getting mathematics back into shape.

I believe that this Sad and Sorry Carcass can be Re-Animated.

Today I announce the formation of a counter-insurgency group:

Association des agents provocateurs pour éliminer de Nicolas Bourbaki

We have Silver Bullets, Wooden Stakes and Buffy Attitude.

Who’s Afraid of Nicolas Bourbaki?

Rigor leads to Rigor Mortis.

Privateer Science

Pirate_Flag_of_Jack_Rackham.svgJolly Roger of Calico Jack Rackham

The ongoing multicore parallel computing revolution seems to have gone up a gear or two in the last few years. As I have written before, this is the Age of Amdahl’s Law: what matters is the serial bottleneck.

Work comes in two basic kinds: serial and parallel. The first cannot be sped up by adding new resources but the second can.

In my view, this is the least understood of all economic laws and the one with the greatest consequences for business and social innovation.

Hierarchical decision-making structures are replete with bottlenecks. Think of any bureaucracy. To get a form you stand in line. The first line is to get a number, so you can wait. You wait so you can get in line. The second line is to get the form. However, that form is the wrong form so you go back to stand in line. Then you get a number…

You get the picture. In any society that does this habitually very little gets done.

Of course, this problem is not limited to Government. Business suffers greatly from this problem. So too does Academic Research.

Call me a cynic, but my experience of academic research in physics taught me that before you were allowed to discover something you had to get in line.

The first line was about doing stuff that made you an Academic. Usually that process was so long and drawn out that you wound up forgetting what the line was for.

It turns out you could just go right ahead and discover a whole bunch of things right of the bat. However, then you were Not in Line. Get back in line!

This is a perfect example of a serial bottleneck.

However, once you understand the power of Amdhal’s law then things look different.

Here are the game changers:

1) all physics is an algorithm
2) algorithms can be turned into software
3) software can be protected and is valuable

Finally, in this new world of Google Compute Engine you can spin up a cluster for rent. Hence the capital cost barriers to radical innovation in algorithms is low.

So what are the real barriers?

The social bottleneck of Academic “publish-or-perish” screw-you syndrome pretty much ensures nobody with any good idea will get anywhere.

Chalk that up as a good thing.

The negative network economy of Academic Rivalry pretty much stalls all real advances for at least one generation until all opponents have finally died out.

The Academic flotilla may have all the Pomp and Pretty Pennants of the Spanish Main, but they are: Dead in the Water.

So how does one exploit this?

I think the answer is Privateer Science.

Academics are not crash-hot at business.

For decades, they enriched publishers by madly competing to publish in journals that nobody read. Now they are madly competing to pay top dollar to be published in journals that the public can read for free.

Okay, so first barrier down.

You can read what they did for free while they fight each-other for scraps.

What does a modern Privateer do in this circumstance?

Focus on the profitable bottleneck.

In quantum mechanics, that is many-body theory with strongly correlated fields.

I know, I know, every wanna-be genius in Physics will duke it out on quantum computers.

Okay, cool… but where is the market?

The market for strongly correlated fields is Chemistry, Superconducting Electronics, Photovoltaic Devices and Nano-structures among other things.

These are Big markets, here today, and served by existing Multi-Physics software companies with real product.

And it is all about parallel algorithms

That is what any budding Tesla or Edison of today should focus upon. The Big Score.

Work out a better QED that is simpler for strong self-interactions and you are done.

Better yet, if you find one – keep it a secret. Exit the rat-race of Publish-and-Perish.

Raise the Jolly Roger and load those cannons with grape shot…

All is Ripe for Plunder on the High Seas.

A Blinding of Naked Emperors

Emperor_Clothes_01There seems to be a global special on Naked Emperors right now. They are everywhere, like a New Year Clearance Sale.

Get your Naked Emperors now… by the brace, by the pound, by the dozen.

Personally, I blame Advertising. Why not? It is ubiquitous and rots the mind.

The plethora of positive messages about product has corrupted the normal channels of curmudgeonly defenestration.

Truth Talking is Trash Talking in a Sound-Bite World of Blinding Gloss.

No longer can we just throw our Naked Emperors out the window and wait for the satisfying splat as they hit the dung heap.

This leads me to ponder an obvious deficiency of language.

Where is the Collective Noun for Naked Emperors?

We have a skein of geese, a coffle of asses, a parliament of baboons and a bellowing of bullfinches. With this many Naked Emperors one must have the proper word…

Enter an obvious Thought Experiment.

Suppose we were to place a number of Naked Emperors in a darkened room behind one-way glass. What would happen?

A whole bunch of Naked Cavorting in the Dark, I would guess.

That whole pirouetting Naked Emperor thing!

There is an old Danish proverb which speaks to this situation:

Necessity teaches the naked woman to spin.

Naked Emperors are no different, only the rate of spin is much higher. Indeed, in a sufficiently dense medium – such as Physical Review Letters – we can often witness Naked Emperors spinning much faster than the phase velocity of light in such a medium. The result is the brilliant blue light known as Eminence Radiation.

This is positively blinding to the General Public. Hence our collective noun:

A Blinding of Naked Emperors.

Your most Scintillating Spinning Eminence… I am Blind before your Nakedness.


The older I get the more I realize I made the right decision to branch out. Academic Physics was too much like Church for my taste. All Ceremony and Fake Wine.

Of course, I do appreciate and enjoy study of the Physical Sciences. However, I am far more moved by what happens in the Real World: hence my employment in Defense and Finance. These pursuits are intellectual but harbor a combative element. I do not by nature pick fights, but I cannot stand when the effort made elicits no reaction.

At least in military or financial affairs you can be certain of a reaction when you pull the trigger. That beats the sometimes deafening silence of politely disengaged academic discourse. Each to their own. We are made differently after all.

I realize now I was always cut out to be a Heathen Mongol and never a High Priest.

Quiet monastic omphaloskepsis was never for me.

Rather than lead the quiet life ensconced in The Citadel I would rather: Sack It!

Hulagu’s army conducting a siege on Baghdad walls.

Lock up your Reliquaries, Pilgrims!

I am a self-confessed Heathen Mongol with a Ghenghis Kahn complex. Give me a band of Mongols and a Moonless Night. We could ride down from the Steppes, Sack the Citadel and make off with the Horses, the Gold and the Women, in that order.

It is when the World moves, that I feel Moved. When nothing happens at all, life gets very dull. What moves the mind moves the world – that is my motto.

No wonder I never fitted into the traditional academic world with that attitude!

Yep, a Hedge Fund and a private Helicopter Gun-Ship for me…

The best kind of scientific paper is like a sea-skimming Exocet missile.

It should come in low and fast, without warning, and take out the Flagship…BLAM!

Nobody, but nobody, should ever see it coming.

Then you simply Crash-Dive and lay low for a while.


Forking the Physics Kernel

Is the Tree of Field Theory Forked?
Is the Tree of Field Theory Forked?

There remains much unfinished business in contemporary quantum physics.

Perhaps the most important issue of all is the correspondence between the mathematical objects of the theory and the reality of the laboratory. This is an old wound in physics, one which split the Church back in the 1920s when our new theory first came down from the mountain. Moses may be long dead now, but Abrahamanic tradition lives!

In the red corner, we had Bohr, Bohm and Heisenberg preaching the doctrine of the incomprehensible other, the land of the small, which was inherently non-commutative and involved (shock horror) matrices. In the blue corner, we had Einstein, de Broglie, Schroedinger and a bunch of other malcontents believing in fields and continuity.

In our own world today, this schism has resolved itself most imperfectly. We have, it would seem, rejected both Bohr and Einstein. To make matters worse, we no longer read either Schroedinger or Heisenberg. Perhaps we have a Tree, but the Fruit is Strange and leaves a sour taste. It is most unsatisfying to the intellect.

Quantum physics today is a theory most perfectly severed from its roots and what came before. It drifts around like a fallen autumn leaf on a pond, executing ever so fine whorls of in-consequence.

The theory is now a mess, a very fine mess indeed.

We have rejected the Copenhagen interpretation and now favor some populist nonsense that Quantum Theory is so weird that book sales would be most increased by pretending that everything happens at once and everywhere.

We have Many Worlds and in each of them some book will be a best-seller, Goddammit!

These days the cognoscenti have stopped pretending that the Theory of Everything is “just around the corner”. No no no. Now the theory of favor for Everyman can be found just around whichever corner he chooses to look!

No longer do we believe that there is The Theory. No no no. Everyman must have his very own theory. Theories for all… that is the New Physics.

Go forth and Fork the Physics Kernel.

The more monkeys we have at the cosmic typewriter the better.

One day, one lucky monkey will strike out the riff that is gold.

A best seller.

Physics as Airport Novel.

The Gloom Barrier

I have to admit life is making me Gloomy.

I am an Optimist by nature, but there seems to be a great weight on humanity.

Personally, I do not understand it. There is so much to be positive about but it seems that folks simply want to ignore every damn reason to get up in the morning.

In my youth, I was extremely positive about Science. Now I am not so sure.

Science seems to have turned into some kind of weird Religion. People just don’t seem to want to find anything new. They want to Genuflect and pay Homage to the Known while running away from the Unknown.

This is way wrong.

Take Physics, my own subject. Folks are obsessed with the crazy notion that it is nearly done. There is this crazy attitude that we are close to the end of human inquiry. I don’t believe a word of it. Not only is this foolish, it is destructive of Human Purpose.

When I look at the state of the present Quantum Theory it is Abundantly Clear that we are Nowhere Near the end of even the Beginning. The present theory is so shot through with holes and inconsistencies that it is Ludicrous to suppose that it will survive in its present form. However, we have legions upon legions of Professional Physicists dutifully pushing their pencils in the vain hope that a lick of paint will fix things.

I suspect that this situation is a calm before the storm. An Hiatus that allows the present generation to depart the field with some grace and dignity. What comes next is unknown but I have a hunch that it will involve Progress.

I will conclude with one simple thought.

If everyone believes that something is Impossible then for all practical purposes It Is.

However, in this world you only need One Person of Conviction and Purpose and the Impossible is Fritzed.

Back on 14th October 1947 there is one man we could all learn from.

The legendary Test Pilot and WWII Fighter Ace Chuck Yeager flew the Bell X-1 clean through the Sound Barrier and out the other side into a whole New Ballgame.

He blitzed that Shock Wave as clean and calm as your Granny doing Crochet.

Bell X-1

Of course, the engineers built the aeroplane but it was man in the Hot Seat that pushed the limit. This was no small thing, since the aerodynamics of transonic flight were then poorly understood. Chuck put paid to that limit. He buried that word Impossible.

It took a man with guts, determination and the finest touch to shatter that Sound Barrier.

Today we face a different challenge. It is less the metal and more the mind.

Yeager risked his life and took us all forward to a new place of knowledge.

Our problem today is far simpler.

Ground down by the modern system who can find a single man who will risk his mind on a new thought. That is the travesty of modern life.

We have so much we can accomplish but society is jammed up tight against the Gloom Barrier. People are so miserable they won’t try a damn thing. Corporations just want to pile up cash and politicians prefer to bicker and joust than action plans to move us forward.

The biggest problem for our future is to believe in our own future.

We need to shatter that Gloom Barrier.

General Chuck E. Yeager never believed in the word Impossible.

Neither should you.

Quantum Inference on Amazon

Quantum Inference is now on Amazon and available for purchase.

The publisher CreateSpace, has distributed the book through Amazon. It shows up as a regular listing under the title Quantum Inference and the Optimal Determination of Quantum States, with an author page at Kingsley R Jones, PhD.

A few tips.

Although the book appeared on Amazon straight away, you have a fair bit of work to do.

You need to create an Author Page on Amazon and link your identity to the book. There is a Catch 22 here since you cannot be listed on Amazon as an author until you an author. You do this once the book is published.

Some details may be incorrect in which case you have to figure out how to fix them.

There is an edit submission procedure on Amazon should you need to change anything.

I am trying to do that now, since the PhD at the end of my name is not the convention in publishing. Normally, you would drop the post-nominal. I have not managed to fix this part yet. It is no big deal, but remember you are aiming for an industry standard result.

The author page on Amazon is important so I tried to add some interest there.

Mine is still pretty lame, but I daresay it will improve over time.

Now we are on to understanding marketing.


The digital revolution rolls on!

Here are a few quick notes on my self-publishing experience.

I started out with a simple goal. Learn how publishing works and become a publisher.

To keep things simple, I took an item whose copyright I own and which I thought there may be a small niche market for. The PhD thesis I slaved over seemed like a good choice!

Step One: It was only in loose paper sheets. When I left England in 1990 I was broke so I could not afford to get it bound. Also I had lost the computer file. Arrgghhh…

Scanning 161 pages by hand would be a bummer and not very professional. So I looked around for a scanning company. Guess what? The best firms are the Law guys. I found a Sydney company called Law-In-Order and they did a very professional digital scan to CD-ROM for a total cost of about $45 AUD.

Step Two: How to get the PDF printed?

I looked around at different sites like Smashwords and Lulu. These are all good but cater more for the novelist. I chose Createspace instead because the book is very niche and I wanted a high quality print job with flexible distribution options.

Step Three: Designing the book and loading the files.

Register at CreateSpace with an account and create a book project. Follow the online instructions, upload your PDF, design your cover and write your own third-person book description for marketing purposes. Total time: about 4 hours!

Step Four: Printers proofs and small gotchas.

I had to rescale my PDF to US paper size since it was UK A4. This required a fair bit of finessing on choice of book size. The cover art was a scan of the most eye-catching figure inside the thesis, which I had to re-size and retouch to 300 DPI. Finally, I had to add one additional blank page at the start to make up a multiple of four pages for the book.

None of this is hard, but it is frustrating. Spend time to get a good result.

Step Five: Receiving proofs and final checks.

I ordered five proof copies, because I thought that would be cheaper and I could give some of these away. Actually, you really only need one since they are marked PROOF and you will find it cheaper to buy copies online and ship direct to your recipient anyway.

The process of proof checking is very important as you don’t want to be charging people for a dud product. Take time over it and allow a few days to a week for this part.

Step Six: Marketing your work. The only hard bit.

Create a shop at CreateSpace and setup a discount voucher code. Your online store will be password protected and you can share the coupon with anybody you think would appreciate a discount. This is important as a way of getting started. However, as my career in research taught me, marketing is the be all and end all of success.

So far so good. At least we have a quality product out there.

As I said to begin with. The goal of this exercise was to understand digital publishing from front to back, since I want to use it in my regular line of business.

However, this process was so easy and the quality so good that I will now use it for other purposes. Creating books of photos for example, or other mementos.

All up cost. About $150 AUD including scan, 5 proof copies and extended distribution. These are the sort of numbers to keep in mind for a commercial project, like an extended white paper or (in my case) industry report.

The extended distribution is an experiment, but it is the way to make the work available to academic libraries. I want to understand how this part of the industry operates.

There are some more things to consider if you have a really valuable work, like the registration of copyright, getting your own ISBNs etc

I will deal with those at another time since they touch on what it means to be a publisher.

In the above CreateSpace is the publisher, whereas in future my firm will be.

Technology is a wonderful thing.

Be your own Gutenberg, people!


Quantum Inference Published!

Quantum Inference

Here is the cover of my newly published PhD thesis Quantum Inference and the Optimal Determination of Quantum States, from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.

The book will be available to the general public on Amazon within a week at a recommended retail price of $29.99 USD.

However, for a limited time, you can acquire a discounted copy at $10.00 USD off by entering a parallel universe via the secret store:

Quantum Inference – Limited Time Offer

Simply enter the password:


to gain access and use the coupon code:


to acquire a discounted copy which is shipped and fulfilled by the publisher.

This special offer is made through this blog and LinkedIn:

Quantum Information Science Group.

Please look out for other forthcoming titles as I am dusting off the bottom drawer material.

Happy researching multi-versal people!


p.s. Gotta rush, the Cockatoos are eating my Yucca.