The Annals of Post-Medieval Thought is a quasi-journal for publishing selected works from my bottom drawer. It is a self-publishing exercise in transcending the strictures and boundaries of the present Medieval Science.
It is my personal attempt to escape the spreading Dark Age of our time.
Why do that? …you may well ask:
Why not simply publish in peer-reviewed journals, like everybody else?
The answer is simple. I do not believe that the Scientific Peer-Review and Academic Journal System works anymore.
It works for some things, but only narrowly drawn topics which are: uncontroversial; unimportant; or both.
The Grand Sweep of Ideas that moves Society forward has been lost.
It got suffocated, drowned, stamped-on, burned, and dismembered in the Great Rush for Funding and Academic Status. Instead we have what I call Medieval Science. This reeks of the Barn Yard and a time before plumbing. It is a feudal system of Warring Fiefs where the Great Questions are simply left unasked and unanswered.
People form self-supporting cliques, vote their own papers and projects through the system and then engage in endless border skirmishes. These are analogous to the Medieval turf wars of Vassal States and Feudalistic Lords.
In this system, nobody has any incentive to simplify or synthesize.
It is a scramble for Rotten Meat in a time of Typhoid and Cholera. It is not satisfying and is destructive to the interests and motivation of young people in advancing knowledge.
In response, I believe that Synthesis is where the greatest future works of Science lie.
Synthesis is the great Lost Art of taking what is known and distilling it to timeless and essential principles of simplicity. It defines how a Mind is Moved by and acts to Move Minds. It is Action and Reaction in reconciling one mind to the world.
Synthesis represents the Aims and Scope of my personal quasi-journal.
It is my attempt to reconcile what I have learned personally with what is otherwise known. Please go ahead and make your own quasi-journal…
Publishing is Dead! Long live Quasi-Publishing!
What moves the mind moves the world.
Hi, your work has just been cited by Myron Wyn Evans (,, who also does not believe in publishing in conventional journals (he founded his own, and writes most of the contents himself). However, unlike yourself, he is arrogant, aggressive and believes in perpetual motion (even the silly Bessler wheel). Of course, that is just my opinion: take a look at his blog and let me know what you think. SD
Hi Norman,
I agree on the principle of enabling open debate, although I disagree on the particular topic. So I a guess we agree to agree on some things and agree to disagree on others.
Personally, I think climate change is real.
However, people are well entitled to debate this.
Best wishes,